Thursday, April 19, 2007

The People's Observer

Welcome to the first posting of The People's Observer, the voice of truth and reason in a world of insolence and depravity. Unfortunately, the world we live in today is smeared with the filth of a generation obsessed with American Idol, Grey's Anatomy, and popped collars. In these turbulent times the world needs a beacon, a ray (not Rachael) of comforting light one can see through the violence of a turbulent storm. That deliverance is me and my glorious revolution. I know that there are many like me, people who see things that piss them off everyday but feel that the world is in such a state of disrepair that there is little that one can do. You are wrong my friend. Now you have a media piece where you can set your eyes upon and finally say "Yes! Finally! Someone who feels the way I do!" Yes, comrade, I am with you. There are many others with you. Together, we can make this world right. We will fight to get rid of everything obscene and irritating, our glorious cause will grow, with me at the helm. As your captain, I will never abandon my post no matter how violent the waves of annoyancy crash upon our ship. I will bring to you articles of truth and light, to fuel the fire in your belly. Yes! The time is now! We must all wake up and embrace the new revolution...The Glorious Cause!

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